Rye Whiskey Cocktail—in a Can!

imageCraft beer drinkers have it figured out: aluminum cans can go places where glass bottles can’t—piled into a backpack, relaxing by the pool, tossed at the ballpark. Wine lovers are also in on the act, with single-serve cans of wine, like Barefoot Refresh, catching on big at the beach this summer. And now, we whisky lovers finally have a portable package to call our own— a 100 ml can of rye whiskey cocktail called Hochstadter’s Slow & Low .

imageIf you’re not already familiar with Slow & Low, The Cooper Spirits Company of Philadelphia crafts this pre-Prohibition cocktail using straight...

Läs mer http://whiskyadvocate.com/2016/08/10/whiskey-in-a-can/


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