Old Particular Glenrothes 12 Year Old (Douglas Laing) Review

Back to normal programming after recovering from the summer vacation and reviving the computer and phone who died while on vacation and so we continue with a few more Douglas Laing whiskies that reached our shores. The youngsters single malts were reviewed and now we move up to the older Old Particular single malts, starting with a Glenrothes 12 Year Old that was distilled 2005, matured until mars 2017 in a sherry butt that yielded 402 bottles.

Old Particular Glenrothes 12 Year Old (48.8%, DL11601, €78.75 / 330NIS )

imageNose : Starts with porridge along with a big and velvety...

Läs mer https://whiskygospel.com/2017/08/28/old-particular-glenrothes-12-year-old-douglas-laing-review/


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