Book Review: Maltwhisky Yearbook 2016

One third of oktober is already behind us. It means we’re closer to X-mas, the Whisky Exchange Show is behind us and a new a new Maltwhisky Yearbook was released. I got my signed copy of the 2016 edition (Thanks Micheal!) just in time to accompany me during the weekend.


This year, the book have a new layout, making it feels fresher but the content is mostly unchanged. Like every edition, the book is generally divided into four sections:

  • The first section contains different articles – new ones every year, yeah? :-)
  • The second and the largest one is  the distilleries information section which is divided into...

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Vårt mål och ambition är att erbjuda alla whiskyentusiaster runt om i Norden en plats att samlas kring och dela erfarenheter.

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