Whisky Review: Springbank Spirit of Freedom 30 Year Old

Too many Springbank tasting notes with cobwebs on them so let’s have a Springbank week here on the blog. We’ll start with a blend, Spirit of Freedom 30 Year Old, which isn’t a true Springbank but is produced by J & A Mitchell, the owners of Springbank and probably contains some old Springbank spirit in it.

Spirit of Freedom was released to commemorate the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 which is a big and important milestone for Scotland (read about it  at Wikipedia as we’re focusing on whisky here :))

It is composed of 75% Maltwhisky (from...

Läs mer http://whiskygospel.com/2015/05/18/whisky-review-springbank-spirit-of-freedom-30-year-old/


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