Well, it is 2019, and time for more whisky! Here are the 53 new releases hitting the shelves of our trusty monopoly stores in Norway on Friday januari 11.
I have not tried many of these yet, but you will find links to a few reviews.
Aberlour Casg Annamh (48 %) (10572001), SCO, 765
Adelphi's Breath of Speyside (58.2 %) (10659401), SCO, 1265
Adelphi's Breath of the Isles (58.5 %) (10659801), SCO, 1265
Adelphi's The Winter Queen II (54 %) (10659301), SCO, 2200
Aultmore 18 yo #571/573 (Adelphi Limited) (55 %) (10659701), SCO, 1740
Balvenie Peat Week 14 YO (48.3...
Läs mer https://www.whiskysaga.com/blog/new-whisky-releases-norway-januari-2019