Whisky Advocate’s 23rd Annual Canadian Whisky of the Year Award

Crown Royal Cornerstone Blend, 40.3%, $60

A wealth of great new Canadian whiskies in 2016 made it difficult to select just one winner. The sublimely complex Gooderham & Worts, a bourbonesque 14 year old from J.P. Wiser’s called Last Barrels , and Ninety, a creamy, spicy 20 year old all-corn whisky from Highwood Distillers , were strong contenders. When all was said and done, Crown Royal Cornerstone Blend emerged as this year’s Canadian whisky champion. The first release in a new series called the Noble Collection, Cornerstone Blend happened by chance, and if you don’t taste it soon you likely...

Läs mer http://whiskyadvocate.com/2016/12/11/whisky-advocates-23rd-annual-canadian-whisky-of-the-year-award/


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