Whisky Advocate’s 22nd Annual World Whisky of the Year Award

Spirit of Hven Sankt Claus, 53.2%, 975 SEK

The Spirit of Hven distillery was founded in 2008 by Henric Molin on the attractive Swedish island of Hven in the strait of Öresund. The awe-inspiring structure of the Öresund bridge spans the same body of water further south, joining Copenhagen, Denmark to Malmö, Sweden. You cannot help but be swept up by Henric Molin’s infectious imageenthusiasm when he talks about his distillery. With a strong scientific background in chemistry, he maximizes flavor in his whiskies during production by calibrating the mashing temperatures, mixing yeast varieties, insisting on long fermentation times, and...

Läs mer http://whiskyadvocate.com/2015/12/09/whisky-advocates-22nd-annual-world-whisky-of-the-year-award/


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