21st Annual Whisky Advocate Award: Canadian Whisky of the Year

Canadian Club Chairman’s Select 100% Rye, 40%, $27

The race for Canadian Whisky of 2014 was tight. Crown Royal Monarch was first out of the gate; probably the most flavorful Crown Royal ever. Scoring 96 points in the Canadian Club RyeBuying Guide, Monarch tied the record set in 2010, when Forty Creek Confederation Oak became our top-scoring Canadian whisky ever. A perpetual favorite, Forty Creek followed with another solid contender this year: its 2014 Evolution. Then Highwood Distillers returned from a disastrous flood in 2013 with an even more flavorful, post-flood version of the already spectacular Ninety 20 year old. But everything...

Läs mer http://whiskyadvocate.com/whisky/2014/12/07/21st-annual-whisky-advocate-award-canadian-whisky-of-the-year/


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