DISCUS Briefing Confirms Surging Growth of American Whiskey

Author - Lew BrysonAt the annual Distilled Spirits Council of the United States ( DISCUS ) industry review on Tuesday, februari 4, the usual graphs and numbers on domestic sales of distilled spirits and export sales of American spirits were presented, and they told a great story about American whiskey producers. American whiskey is solidly on its way back, after thirty years of steeply declining sales. (see graphs 1 and 2). I started writing about whiskey in the mid-1990s, and much of what there was to write about back then was how the decline in whiskey sales was slowing down (I referred to...

Läs mer http://whiskyadvocate.com/whisky/2014/02/06/discus-briefing-confirms-surging-growth-of-american-whiskey/


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