2013 Whisky Advocate Awards To Be Announced Beginning december 11

The Whisky Advocate Awards are less than two days away!

The 20th Annual Whisky Advocate Awards will be published, as usual, in the spring 2014 issue of Whisky Advocate magazine, due out in early mars. But we’re going to announce the award winners here on the Whisky Advocate blog beginning this Wednesday, december 11 th . As the awards are announced, they will also be published to the Whisky Advocate Facebook page and the Whisky Advocate Twitter feed (@whiskyadvocate).

These are the whiskies that we picked from the categories of our Buying Guide as the best, most interesting, most significant...

Läs mer http://whiskyadvocate.com/whisky/2013/12/09/2013-whisky-advocate-awards-to-be-announced-beginning-december-11/


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