Malternatives, do black tar liqueurs make it?
Three liqueurs blacker than Loch Dhu
And more tarry and even smoky than old Ardbeg or Port Ellen. Right, I maj be dreaming, but anyway, drinks that contain a lot of tar do hint at some of Islay’s biggest in my experience, that’s why they could well be real malternatives, in a way… So let’s have three of them, all rather unlikely and ce…
Three liqueurs blacker than Loch Dhu
And more tarry and even smoky than old Ardbeg or Port Ellen. Right, I maj be dreaming, but anyway, drinks that contain a lot of tar do hint at some of Islay’s biggest in my experience, that’s why they could well be real malternatives, in a way… So let’s have three of them, all rather unlikely and ce…