Ardbeg Auriverdes Het!
Single Malt
ABV (%)
Lagrade år
Övrigt om flaskan
Limited Edition
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1 tastenote
Tastenote titel
Årets specialsläpp från ett destilleri som de flesta svenskar känner till - nämligen Ardbeg. Auriverdes, som den heter har fått sitt namn från guld (auri) och grön (verdes), som hänvisar till sin gyllene whisky och dess gröna butelj och även landet som höll i fotbolls-VM, alltså Brasilien. Lagrad på amerikanska fat med speciellt kolade lock.
This years special release from a distillery that probably most of the whisky drinking swedes know of - namely Ardbeg. The name Auriverdes is derived from gold (auri) and green (verdes), referring to both their golden liquid and the green bottle it comes in, but also the host country of this years fotball world championship, Brazil.
Matured in american casks with specially toasted oaklids.
This years special release from a distillery that probably most of the whisky drinking swedes know of - namely Ardbeg. The name Auriverdes is derived from gold (auri) and green (verdes), referring to both their golden liquid and the green bottle it comes in, but also the host country of this years fotball world championship, Brazil.
Matured in american casks with specially toasted oaklids.
Min första tanke är att detta är en bekant profil från Ardbeg, nämligen den sötlakrits/fänkål - aktiga, men även lite örtiga, jordiga torven som åtminstone jag känner så många gånger i deras whiskys som är mer åt bourbonhållet.
bakom detta så hittas även en hel del aska och en dammig/mineralisk ton som påminner mig om när man brukade spela fotboll på grusplan som liten.
Lite sälta med. Mosad potatis med smör. Salubrin. Enbär
My first thought is that this profile is very familiar when it comes to Ardbegs bourbon-ish type of whiskies. Thus - sweet liquorice/fennel, but also herbal, earthy peat.
Behind the familiarities, there's a whole lot of ash and a dusty, mineralic note, reminding me of playing football on the gravel as a kid. There are also hints of salt, mashed potatoes with butter and juniper berries.
bakom detta så hittas även en hel del aska och en dammig/mineralisk ton som påminner mig om när man brukade spela fotboll på grusplan som liten.
Lite sälta med. Mosad potatis med smör. Salubrin. Enbär
My first thought is that this profile is very familiar when it comes to Ardbegs bourbon-ish type of whiskies. Thus - sweet liquorice/fennel, but also herbal, earthy peat.
Behind the familiarities, there's a whole lot of ash and a dusty, mineralic note, reminding me of playing football on the gravel as a kid. There are also hints of salt, mashed potatoes with butter and juniper berries.
Sältan knör sig först i kön, samtidigt som inslag av gräs, kaffesump och torra, örtiga enbär tar för sig mer här och knuffar undan lakritsen så den nästan glöms bort.
First in line comes the salt, quickly followed by grassiness, coffee grounds and dry juniper berries, pushing the liquorice far away, almost making me forget that it was there.
First in line comes the salt, quickly followed by grassiness, coffee grounds and dry juniper berries, pushing the liquorice far away, almost making me forget that it was there.
Här går lakritstonerna från söt godisform till den mer naturligare formen - lakritsrot, dessutom en savig sådan. Känns lite som en gräsbrand i munnen.
The liquorice comes back here, but compared to the sweet candy, it's transformed to its more natural form, liquorice plant (more bitterness) and alot of sap. A smokey note is also present. A bit like a burning lawn.
The liquorice comes back here, but compared to the sweet candy, it's transformed to its more natural form, liquorice plant (more bitterness) and alot of sap. A smokey note is also present. A bit like a burning lawn.
Beskrivning / Sammanfattning
Jag vill tycka att Ardbeg har en hel del bra whiskys. Denna är utan tvekan bra, men personligen så föredrar jag inte denna framför deras standardbuteljeringar, som i och för sig håller en väldigt hög standard enligt mig.
Personally, I think Ardbeg has a whole bunch of good whiskies. This is not an exception, but I wouldn't prefer this one compared to their core range - they do hold a very high standard if you ask me.
Personally, I think Ardbeg has a whole bunch of good whiskies. This is not an exception, but I wouldn't prefer this one compared to their core range - they do hold a very high standard if you ask me.
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