Miltonduff sherry cask 7 yo Het!
Hepburn's Choice
Oberoende buteljerare
Hunter Laing
Single Malt
ABV (%)
Lagrade år
Övrigt om flaskan
Systembolaget. nr: 85151 - BS
Vad besökare tyckte
1 tastenote
(Updated: september 19, 2014)
Tastenote titel
En ungtupp från Mitonduff.
A youngster from the Miltonduff distillery
A youngster from the Miltonduff distillery
Första tanken som slår mig är kola ton och sedan lite av en godispåse. Den referens som följer är att den nu känns något spritig som en trotsig tonåring. Det finns en del vanilj samt en liten örtig doft som jag inte riktigt kan sätta fingret på. Efter ett tag tänker jag svart vinbärssaft.
The first thought that strikes my mind is a caramel tone and then a bit of a candy bag. The reference that follows is that it now feels somewhat spirity, almost as a defiant teenager. There are some vanilla and a little spicy scent that I can not quite put my finger on. After a while Im thinking black currant juice.
The first thought that strikes my mind is a caramel tone and then a bit of a candy bag. The reference that follows is that it now feels somewhat spirity, almost as a defiant teenager. There are some vanilla and a little spicy scent that I can not quite put my finger on. After a while Im thinking black currant juice.
Oj här var det en ganska rejäl smäll med smaker för att vara endast 7 år. Kolan finns med som en tydlig referens och även vaniljen. Smaken påminner mig också om åldern då den nästan lika snabbt övergår i den där lite smaklösa nästan spritigaa karaktär som näsan bjöd på. Lite som när ett tuggummi som efter ett tag tappar sin smak. Smakerna finns där i början men de övergår ganska snabbt i en ganska tråkig spritighet och den faller ganska platt.
Wow this is a pretty big blow to the tastebuds, a lot of flavors for only 7 years of maturation. The caramel is listed as a clear reference and also vanilla. The taste reminds me also of the age where it almost as quickly turns into that little tasteless feeling and spirity character. A bit like when a chewing gum after a while loses its flavor. The flavors are in there in the beginning but they are released pretty quickly in a rather dull way and it falls rather flat.
Wow this is a pretty big blow to the tastebuds, a lot of flavors for only 7 years of maturation. The caramel is listed as a clear reference and also vanilla. The taste reminds me also of the age where it almost as quickly turns into that little tasteless feeling and spirity character. A bit like when a chewing gum after a while loses its flavor. The flavors are in there in the beginning but they are released pretty quickly in a rather dull way and it falls rather flat.
Ganska kort och intetsägande. Det finns en del mer att önska här.
Fairly short and blank. There's a lot more to be desired here.
Fairly short and blank. There's a lot more to be desired here.
Beskrivning / Sammanfattning
Miltonduff är ett spännande distilleri som kan bjuda på både det ena och det andra. Det är första gången jag provar en såpass ung whisky från detta distilleri och måste säga att det inte riktigt gick hem hos mig. Detta är absolut ingen dålig whisky, det finns en tydlig kvalitetsstämpel men tyvärr så upplevde jag den som lite ofärdig.
Miltonduff is an exciting distillery that can offer a wide diversity. It is my first time trying out a rather young whiskey from this distillery and I must say that it does not really suit me. This is absolutely not a bad whisky, there is a clear mark of quality, but unfortunately, I experienced it as a bit unfinished.
Miltonduff is an exciting distillery that can offer a wide diversity. It is my first time trying out a rather young whiskey from this distillery and I must say that it does not really suit me. This is absolutely not a bad whisky, there is a clear mark of quality, but unfortunately, I experienced it as a bit unfinished.
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